“63 VW Pelt” 1983
Skinned VW Beetle (carcass on left)
15’ X 12’ X ½’
Photo: ©1983 Dustin Shuler

“Porsche Pelt” 1983
Skinned 356 C Porsche
15’ X 11’ X ½’
Photo: ©1983 Dustin Shuler

“Spider Pelt” 1985
“Skinned Fiat sports car”
15’ X 10’ X ½’
Collection of the City and County of
San Francisco Parking Authority, commissioned
through the San Francisco Arts Commission.
Photo: ©2001 Dustin Shuler

“Mercedes Pelt” 1985
Skinned Mercedes Benz
19’ X 12’ X ½’
Photo: ©1985 Dustin Shuler

“Pickup Pelt” 1985
Skinned Ford Pickup Truck
23’ X 11’ X ½’
Photo: ©1990 Dustin Shuler

“Tiger Pelt” 1986
Skinned L.A.P.D. police cruiser
20’ X 12’ X 1’
Photo: ©1990 Dustin Shuler |

“Triumph Pelt” 1986
Skinned Triumph GT6 sports car
10’ X 15’ X ½’
Collection of the San Jose Department of Motor Vehicles,
San Jose, California, commissioned by the California Arts Council.
Photo: ©1986 Dustin Shuler |

“Saab Pelt” 1987
Skinned Saab car
15’ X 11’ X ½’"
Photo: ©1987 Dustin Shuler
“Elephant Ears” 1989
Skinned front end and doors of VW Bus
5 1/2’ X 11 1/2’ X 1’
Photo: ©1989 Dustin Shuler

“Barbie Corvette Pelt” 1989
Skinned child’s car (1/3 scale),
plastic and canvas
5’ 4” X 3’ 8” X 4”
Photo: ©1989 Dustin Shuler |

“A Rack of Pelts” 1989
Skinned children’s cars
(1/4 scale) on steel rack
6’ 3” X 6’ X 3’
Photo: ©1989 Dustin Shuler |

“Yellow VW Pelt” 2000
Skinned children’s car (1/2 scale),
plastic and canvas
5’ 8” X 4’ 9” X 6 1/2”
Photo: ©2000 Dustin Shuler |

“California Car Wash” 1987
Steel, plastic and canvas
14’ X 10’ X 3’ 8”
Collection of California State University Fullerton
Photo: ©1987 Dustin Shuler

“The Flying Deutschman” 1990
Rock, painted wood, plastic,
35” X 30” 12”
Photo: ©2004 Dustin Shuler |

“The Beetle” 1991
Rock, paint, wood, steel, plastic, gold leaf
28” X 16” X 9”
Collection of California State University Fullerton
Photo: ©1991 Dustin Shuler

“Volvo Pelt” 2004
Plastic and canvas
24 ½” X 16”
Photo: ©2004 Dustin Shuler |

“Beetle Pelt” 2006
Plastic and canvas
18” X 17”
Photo: ©2006 Dustin Shuler
“Hummer Pelt” 2004
Painted steel and plastic
22” X 18”
Photo: ©2004 Dustin Shuler